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Academic Search Premier - Huge collection of scholarly and peer-reviewed journals.
Britannica School High - Encyclopedia content plus multimedia, timelines, a world atlas, country comparison, and primary sources
CultureGrams - offers concise, reliable, and up-to-date country reports on 200+ countries, the 50 states, the Canadian provinces, and more. It goes beyond mere facts and figures to deliver an insider's perspective on daily life and culture, including the history, customs, and lifestyles of the world's people. Contact your Media Specialist for access.
EBSCO MegaFILE - search several EBSCO databases at the same time
Explora Teens - Contains magazine, journal, and encyclopedia articles and also includes primary source documents, reference books, and multimedia. It includes Middle Search Plus, MAS Ultra - School Edition, Consumer Health Complete, Health Source - Consumer Edition, and Science Reference Center databases.
Gale in Context: High School - Includes encyclopedia, magazine, and journal articles, plus primary sources, images, and videos. Includes Discovering Collection, Junior Reference Collection, and Gale OneFile.
JSTOR - A collection of journals, primary sources, and books!
LearningExpress Job & Career Accelerator - Tools related to career and job readiness
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Points of View - Pro vs. con essays that present multiple sides of current or controversial issues. Plus magazine and newspaper articles, primary sources, and more related to those issues.
Proquest Newspapers - Newspaper articles, including The New York Times, St. Paul Pioneer Press, Star Tribune, and The Wall Street
Science Reference Center - Science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources covering numerous science topics.